Ignite Your Independence
Occupational therapy is designed to maximize independence.
Our occupational therapists work to help seniors recover or maintain skills needed to remain as independent as possible in their daily life. Occupational therapy focuses on a wide variety of skills that seniors utilize in daily function, including driving skills, managing medication, self-care tasks, functional mobility (such as moving on or off a bed or toilet), continence management, and activities of daily living such as housework, pet care or other everyday tasks. Our occupational therapists are skilled in addressing needs that can impact a person’s quality of life such as continence management or impaired vision, all while factoring in each person’s level of cognitive function.

What can occupational therapy do?
- Reduce episodes of incontinence and help manage bladder function
- Improve ability to manage medications
- Home management including cooking, housekeeping, laundry, and shopping
- Activities to restore upper extremity strength, gross and fine coordination, and hand function
- Recommend and train in the use of adaptive equipment for self-care, home management, mobility, and recreation
- Provide driver safety assessments
- Implement strategies to reduce the functional impact of visual impairments
- Provide community mobility
- Help to reduce risk of falls by providing home modification recommendations
- Maintain a senior’s ability to be as engaged as possible in their home and community by using their perceptual and cognitive skills
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